Top 10 Business ideas for 2014

  1. Microbrewery - Inspired by a craft beer renaissance in the US, microbreweries are growing in the UK as consumers turn away from commercially-brewed beers. With the alcoholic drinks industry predicted to grow to an estimated £45 billion by 2017, this sector holds opportunities for entrepreneurs keen to join the UK’s “craft beer revolution”.
  2. Personal trainer - The fitness market is worth over £3 billion and although figures show the obesity crisis is worsening, both the fit and overweight alike are fuelling personal training industry. With Olympic medallist Victoria Pendleton announcing plans to become a personal trainer, 2014 marks a great to time to join her.
  3. Virtual assistant - Demand for the online work market is rising and if estimations are correct, it will be a $5 billion global market by 2018. As more and more businesses turn away from full-time in-house assistants to their online counterparts, 2014 will see virtual assistants multiply.
  4. Niche price comparison website - Starting up in an established market might seem counter-intuitive but with several verticals not yet targeted, in 2014 niche price comparison sites will become big business, especially as the market has now reached the £1 billion mark.
  5. Raspberry Pi accessories - The Raspberry Pi microcomputer, essentially a credit-card sized miniature PC, is gathering steam having now sold over two million units and has garnered huge press and public attention as well as backing from Google. 2014 will see the growth of add-ons to complement this innovative offering.
  6. Victorian-themed business - Victoriana is experiencing a revival; helped by the popularity of shows such as Mr Selfridge and multiple remakes of Sherlock Holmes. Romanticism of all things Victorian has grown across all sectors; taxidermy, fashion and weddings in particular, with designer Marc Jacobs’ Spring collection inspired by the era.
  7. Independent BYOD consultant - More and more businesses are turning to IT professionals to help them navigate the rising ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) trend. Coupled with the growth in remote working, expect to see booming demand for IT experts who specialise in this area.
  8. Mobile catering - Global cuisine on the go and health drinks will be big again in 2014 and with pop-up catering gaining real momentum amid emerging commercial centres around the UK, mobile food and drinks businesses will be in high-demand this year.
  9. Blogging business - Not a new opportunity by any means but as more companies turn to the “blogosphere” to engage with consumers, a blogging business is still a great opportunity for 2014 – and refinements to blogging platforms and advertising interest are fuelling the market.
  10. Data analytics - The rise of “Big Data”, with 90% of all the information on the web created in the last two years, shows no signs of abating. Businesses are increasingly looking for help to make sense of this data – including the government’s pledge to release its vast vault – so this market

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